Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Time management

In our Sunday School class this past week we talked about being salt and light. As a side issue we discussed that our busy schedules keep us from sharing Christ with others. Then, from that point it led us to discuss the way our current culture operates, and how it differs from other regions in the world. Comparing the United States to Africa we see a huge difference in almost every area of life. The topic we pondered was efficiency. Americans pride themselves on how efficient they can be, and how much we can get done in one day, week, month or year. We pull out our calendars and smile at the fact that every square inch is covered in things to do, coming to the conclusion that this must mean we are accomplishing things of importance. People complain to others about how busy they are, all the while using it to pat themselves on the back for being so productive. I know that I personally put undo pressure on myself as a stay-at-home mom to accomplish something magnificient every day. We think that we better have an agenda for all the things that we are going to do and time management sheets so that one minute is not wasted. Now don't get me wrong. There's nothing wrong with organizing your time. I LOVE organization...but we can organize and schedule ourselves to death. Where's the time to just be still. To sit and build relationships. To stop and smell the roses. TO OBSERVE THE SABBATH. We need to slow down and stop feeling so pressured to have something to show for our day. If we would focus on Christ each breath, I think we would find that our days are pleasing to Him most when we are not so consumed with being efficient, but rather consumed with soaking in each moment with Him and doing His will little by little.