This is my husband, Brian, and our three children. Brian is currently in his third year of seminary at Beeson Divinity School and is working part-time at Riverside Baptist Church in our neighboring city, Helena, Al. His responsibilities far out number the hours in the day and yet he always makes time for us. In a day and age where fathers are more often absent than actively involved in their childrens' lives, I thought I would take a moment to share how thankful I am for my husband. Even in the midst of a time when he was working full time at a church and having to commute over an hour to school, he still made us a priority. One of the main reasons we moved to Birmingham was so that our time as a family would not suffer as Brian continued to focus on his seminary training. Our kids benefit tremendously from the sacrifices that Brian makes in order to spend quality time with each of them. From the time he wakes up in the morning until he has to leave he is interacting with one of them. Whether it's fixing a bowl of grits for Lindley, changing a diaper or giving one last snuggle before walking out the door Brian always shows the kids by his actions that he loves them and enjoys them. The Lord is providing security for our children by giving them a Dad who is available and who can be counted on to be there when they need him. I am so thankful that Brian is in tune with this calling in his life. He would be the first to tell you that he is not perfect, but he seeks the One who is able to perfect him. I believe that God desires for parents to reflect His love to their children. We can not do this on our own, but with Christ in us it is possible for our kids to experience the benefits of a secure and healthy childhood. It may cost us, but anything worth something usually does. Brian does more than just share his affection with our kids. He takes the time to discipline and correct them in order to provide them with boundaries and guidelines that will one day hopefully help them to submit to their Father in heaven. If Brian chose to pursue other passions such as writing, painting, music and many others during this time he would be absent in these present days. He has willingly set aside his own interests in order to give his time to us. He may not feel like it, but he shows us Christ on a daily basis. Philippians 2:4-5 says, "Let each of you look not only to his own interests, but also to the interests of others. Have this mind among yourselves, which is yours in Christ Jesus." Our natural human tendency is to be self-centered and self-seeking, but praise be to God that He has provided us with the solution to this selfishness. Jesus Christ! When we submit ourselves to Him and His Word allowing Christ to be our lives, then others benefit directly from the fruit that the Lord produces in our lives. Lindley, Isaac, Emma and I benefit from Brian allowing the Lord to reign in his life and I can not thank God enough for providing us with such a leader for our family.
Are You Not Entertained?
14 years ago